Breath Awareness: Change Your Life with this 10-minute Practice

The practice of Breath Awareness – Mindful Breathing for ten Minutes

Start with this ten-minute breathing as it does not require any special conditions. It’s just between you, your soul, and your body. Always accept the truth of your life and work hard for your goals. 


Stress and anxiety are common in a life full of competition, relationship problems, and careers. one can manage stress by practicing these easy breathing exercises everyone has ignored for ages. So let’s awaken the force of breathing and train our minds and body to be in harmony. To do so:

Try a Comfortable Position


Try a comfortable position that suits your best. For example, you can perform it while lying when trying to sleep at night. A sitting and upright posture is also good. In addition, you can also practice while you’re standing. Choose the most comfortable position according to the scenario. Also, keep all the gadgets and distractions aside for a while.

Bring Attention to Breathing

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One way to master this exercise is placing one hand on the heart and one on the abdomen. This will let you feel your body, and the warmth of the hands will calm you down. Of course, it’s not necessary to do this, but it will allow you to appreciate the beauty of breathing and its rejuvenating powers.

The Process of Inhaling and Exhaling

So, slowly inhale the oxygen and pause till the chest cavity fills up. Now hold for some time and slowly release it while counting five. Perform this process for ten minutes. Initially, you can start with five minutes too. It’s meditation breathing, and it recharges your body and soul for the best it can do. Take tips from this video for more elaborate knowledge.

Benefits of Breathing Exercises

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There are conscious breathing exercises, controlled breathing, and many great exercises. However, they only bring us back to the moment and have an immense effect on our body and mind. Check out all types of breathing exercises and some of the benefits are:

  • Improves immunity by bringing in lots of oxygen to cells. Also, the release of carbon dioxide removes all the toxins.
  • It calms down anxiety significantly. It commands the brain to cool down and balance the hormones.
  • It makes cardiovascular muscles strong. Hence, leading to good heart health.
  • It drastically increases the elasticity of the lungs, making them strong.
  • It helps the brain to improve concentration and mental skills.
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  • It’s very useful for sinusitis as the process drains the mucus and sinusitis from the body.
  • Sheetali pranayama is a breathing exercise that collapses and brings down all the inflammation in the body.
  • It has great benefits for skin health. The increased oxygen makes the cells healthy, balances hormones, and makes your skin glow.
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