Walking to Lose Weight? Two Devices to Help Increase Your Step Count

Imagine you are walking slowly to an appointment that you are slightly late for. This is the speed you should aim for. Although we used 3mph as a guideline, paces for walking might vary from one person to the next. People with a lot of body weight may find it difficult to maintain a slower pace which will in turn increase their heart rate.


Garmin Forerunner 55 allows you to track your heart rate with a fitness watch.

A running watch or fitness monitor with an optical heart rate sensor built-in can help you track the changes in your cardiovascular system while you run. Modern running watches, including the best Garmin watches, have accelerometers and GPS chips that can accurately track your movements indoors or outdoors. You can log your workouts, which can help you stay motivated.

Contrary to popular belief, running watches do not have to be costly. The Garmin Forerunner 55 is a beginner-friendly watch that can do all of the above (e.g. GPS tracking, heart rate monitoring, and more. It can monitor your heart rate, sleep, stress levels, and other important information. The Fitbit Luxury is a more approachable option. This tiny fitness tracker will help you monitor your progress without making it seem like you’re trying too hard.

Do not let the weather keep you from getting outside. Get a walking machine

It is easy to find excuses to not exercise. One of the most common is “it is raining outside, so I can’t walk right now!” There are many ways to get around this problem, and they don’t cost much. Walking treadmills are sometimes called under-desk treadmills because they can be used with standing desks. They offer a cheaper alternative to full-sized treadmills. However, they cannot be used for intense workouts. This is exactly what we need.

The Bluefin Fitness task 2.0 is a great walking treadmill that costs less than $250/PS250. They are small enough to be pushed under the couch or bed when they are not in use. These slimline machines allow you to walk year-round without getting wet. This will help you keep on track with your weight loss goals and your walking routines.

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