Walking to Lose Weight? Two Devices to Help Increase Your Step Count

Although it may sound impossible, it is possible to lose weight by walking alone. It’s also one of the best ways to maintain your weight loss. While most people would recommend running to lose weight, they don’t often consider important details like the impact running has on heavier people’s joints.


Walking is a great way to get started on your fitness journey. It’s low-impact and low-intensity. You can make your walking experience even more enjoyable with the right equipment.

Walking to lose weight

Walking is the best way to lose weight

Studies show (opens in new window) that people who walk more are generally thinner than those who walk fewer. People who walk more are healthier than those who sit down. However, it is also true that walking helps to improve metabolism and cardiovascular performance.

Walking as a weight loss tool is not about slow strolls. We are referring to the more strenuous walking type, which can reach speeds of over 3mph. The pace of walking is fast enough to challenge the heart, although not as much as running.

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