UN bans Russia from the Human Rights Council

After high-profile allegations that Russian soldiers committed atrocities during the conflict in Ukraine, the United Nations General Assembly decided Thursday to remove Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.

Voting result: 93 votes in favor, 24 against, and 58 abstentions.

A draft of the resolution states that the General Assembly can “suspend rights to membership in the Human Rights Council for a member who commits gross and systematic violations”

UN bans Russia from the Human Rights Council

In the draft resolution, the council expresses “grave concern” over reports of “grossly and systematic violations of human rights and abuses of them” and “violations international humanitarian law” that were committed by Russia during its invasion in Ukraine.


To vote against Russia’s removal from the UN Human Rights Council, the General Assembly must approve by two-thirds votes. This measure would suspend Russia’s membership of the Council. If the UN considers it appropriate, the UN could launch a review.

On Tuesday, the United States ambassador to UN made a case for Russia’s suspension from the Human Rights Council before the UN Security Council. This was something that she and other UN member countries have been advocating.

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