Google Has Created ‘MusicLM’, an AI That Converts Text to Music.

Google has developed MusicLM, an artificial intelligence (AI), system that can create music from any genre starting with a text description.

According to media reports, however, the tech giant decided not to make the system public due to ethical concerns.

“Whoa! This is more than ChatGPT for me. Google almost solved music generation,” Keunwoo Choi (an AI Scientist at Gaudio Lab) tweeted Friday.

MusicLM is not the first music-generating AI system, but it was the first to create complex songs using “high-fidelity” compositions.

After being trained with a 280,000-hour music dataset, the algorithm can generate songs that are suitable for description of “substantial complexity”.

The system can use existing melodies whether they are sung, whistled, hummed or played on an instrument.

Google researchers claim that it can take a sequence of sequentially written descriptions, and transform them into a musical story or narrative.

MusicLM can also be controlled by a combination or a caption. It can even produce music that’s “played” with a specific type of instrument in a particular way.

AI that converts text to music
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