6 Tried and Tested Ways to Calm Down Anxiety Attack in 5 Minutes

#1 Controlling Your Breathing is the First Step

Breathing for anxiety

If you have experienced earlier episodes, you know that the heart pounds like it’s racing. Although the attacks can be different for each person, a racing heart is common. 

So, gradually find a spot or start breathing right away! Keep one hand on your chest and one belly. Breathe in, hold, and slowly exhale with a count of 5. Repeat it, and soon you will be back!


#2 Make a Script Ready

journal for anxiety

The majority of people know the reasons for their panic attacks. It can be stress, fear, or any mental problem. 

So, fight with your demons and pen down some encouraging words. Please write down your achievements, no matter how small they are. 

Embrace your bonds and write anything you love, making you feel good. So, take out this list and read it whenever you face anxiety attacks.

#3 Follow the 3-3-3 Rule

3-3-3 Rule for anxiety

The 3-3-3 rule is very helpful and successfully distracts your mind from the anxiety attack. 

First of all, look around you and name three things you see, now three sounds you hear; think about three of your body parts. Bring your mind to the present by doing this 3-3-3 exercise, and you will feel a lot better. 

#4 Engage in Light Exercise

workout for anxiety

Divert your adrenaline rush produced from anxiety to some exercise. It burns away stress hormones that create panicking situations. 

Also, exercising will immediately release endorphins in your brain, which will improve your mood. The distraction and engaging in light aerobic exercise will ease your body, brain, and heart.

#5 Aromatherapy is Helpful

workout for anxiety

Aromatherapy is an ancient therapy that has numerous benefits. So providing olfactory senses with natural and herbal fragrances to soothe your body and mind. 

The odors of Lavender, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Chamomile, Frankincense, and Vetiver are perfect. You can carry them on bottles, handkerchiefs, and on other stuff to ease you.

#6 Hold on to a Mantra

Meditation for Anxiety

Many anxiety attack sufferers have stated that reciting mantras helps them a lot. It can be a positive thought, a mantra, or a chanting line. Repeat it in your head until the attack subsides. This helps your brain to calm down.

Effective Techniques to Decrease Anxiety Attacks in the Long run

So, above mentioned techniques were on sight tips to manage the attacks. But, apart from them, you can practice this in daily life to decrease anxiety attacks in the Long run:

  • Practice breathing exercises daily to reduce anxiety attacks.
  • Write down all your feelings, including stress, worries, and happy moments daily on dairy.
  • Exercise daily and adapt to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Share your feelings with a person who gets you.
  • Never hesitate to seek the help of a therapist or professional if you feel out of place
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