5 Important Lifestyle Changes for Women to Prevent Osteoporosis and Bone Loss

#1 Stay Physically Active

Exercising and staying active is the key to building strong bones. It helps in several ways like bone remodeling, promotes good balance, makes the muscles strong, imparts flexibility, and better posture. So, the best exercises are brisk walking, weight-bearing, and strength and balance exercises.


Note: If you have a case of osteoporosis, then consult your doctor before exercising. Doctors may suggest you to do certain light exercises to prevent fracture.

#2 Maintain Healthy Weight


Having too little or too much weight is risky and leads to osteoporosis. So, check your BMI and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity leads to excess pressure on bones and makes them weak. Also, less weight reduces bone density. 

Pro Tip: Calculate your Body Mass Index by this formula – BMI = kg/m2. Where Kg is a person’s weight, and m2 is their height. Then, check the result in this chart for checking your weight range.

#3 Include Vitamin D

The ultimate source of vitamin D is sunlight and some foods. Generally, adults don’t sit in the sunshine enough, disturbing the levels. Vitamin D is very necessary as it helps you absorb calcium in the body. 

Taking calcium and not enough vitamin D is not beneficial at all. The calcium levels will be low if your vitamin D levels are low. Fatty fish, eggs (yolks), cereals, dairy products, orange juice, and soy milk are also good sources of vitamin D.

#4 Appropriate Amount of Nutritions

The most important nutrients for healthy bones are calcium and protein. Calcium helps in maintaining bone density, while protein helps in muscle building. 

So, include milk, soy, tofu, fish, almonds, eggs. Calcium intake for grown-ups should fall between 1,000 and 1,200 mg per day. Also, have lots of fresh vegetable fruits in your diet with enough calcium and protein sources.

#5 Limit Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine use

Smoking can mess up bone health as it lowers bone density. Also, alcohol and caffeine disturb the absorption of Vitamin D of calcium. So, caffeine, alcohol, and smoking will lead to the risk of osteoporosis. If you have low bone density, stop immediately using these as it will worsen your bone health. 

Bonus Tips

Well, timely lifestyle changes can lower your risk of osteoporosis significantly. But you can take these additional steps to protect yourself too.

  • Always avoid risky situations where you can fall. Always wear good footwear and walk on dry floors. In addition, use anti-skid rugs and carpets at home.
  • If you have initial stages of low bone density, start taking vitamin D and calcium supplements. Contact your doctor for further assistance.
  • Keep walking and stay active as much as you can. This will improve your bones drastically.
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