10 Truly Negative-Calorie Foods for Your Massive Weight Loss Battle



100 g cauliflower contains 25 calories. It is an excellent dietetic food item as it does not have fats but has plenty of vitamin C. You can consume raw or slightly steamed cauliflower because it will take more time for you to chew, making you feel full.




Colorful berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries contain 32 kcal in a half-cup. They are known as negative-calorie food items because they have a low glycaemic index but high protein content. In addition, they contain antioxidants that protect you from different kinds of cancer.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are like mini cabbages. You can eat them raw or cooked. They fall under a cruciferous vegetable family like broccoli. They are rich in vitamin C. They can protect body cells from oxidative damage. Moreover, 155 grams of cooked Brussel sprouts contain 70 calories.



100 g grapefruit contains 40 calories. It stores folic acid, vitamin c, potassium, and soluble pectin. It helps you in reducing severe inflammatory problems like asthma.

Lean Meat

Lean meat

100 g pork contains 145 calories, 100 g turkey leg has 144 calories, and 100 g chicken breast contains 172 calories. These lean meats are excellent protein sources that temporarily increase the metabolic rate, make your digestive system work hard, and burn more calories.

The human body requires extra energy to absorb meat proteins compared to carbohydrates. Moreover, lean meats provide a significant amount of energy, making you feel sated.



100g celery contains 16 kcal. It has plenty of vitamin A, fiber, vitamin C, and folate. Celery is among popular food items whose most calorie value stores cellulose.



100 g cucumber contains 16 calories. It is low on calories yet full of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Cucumber is very hydrating and known as a classic cooling food. It helps in maintaining water balance in the body during hot days.



The 100 g tomatoes contain 18 calories. They are savory and have plenty of lycopene. They are healthy foods even after being well-cooked. Tomatoes have the same effect as statins on patients with high b.p and cholesterol. In addition, they are potent antioxidants.



They are crunchy, highly nutritious, and slightly sweet foods. Though the orange variety is famous, they come in various colors, from white to purple. They are rich in carotenoids, including beta carotene and lutein. As a result, they are suitable for a healthy immune system and vision. In addition, 122 g carrots contain 50 calories and 100% DV for vitamin A.



Spinach is a nutritious green leafy food. It contains a thylakoid that reduces hunger, slows fat digestion, and lowers food cravings. In addition, thylakoid triggers a satiety hormone release, so you feel full after your meal.

Include the food items mentioned above in your daily meals if you want to shed some pounds. These low-calorie foods can help weight loss and maintain a nutritious and balanced diet.
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