The Highest Gas Prices In US History, Breaking Record From 2008

The highest gas prices in US history
Image Source: Yahoo Finance

Americans have never seen gasoline prices so high nor has the rate of increase beauteous. This combination makes the situation even more extraordinary and intense. Russia’s crippling sanctions have impeded their oil flow, leading to a massive rise in all fuel prices: gasoline, diesel and other. Patrick De Haan from GasBuddy’s petroleum analysis department released a statement Monday.


De Haan tweeted Sunday that the chance of a nationwide average of $5 was “somewhat remote”, but remains a small possibility.

The most expensive gas in America

California is the country’s most expensive state, with an average price of $5.44 per gallon as at Tuesday. Only the Golden State has a higher average price than $5 per gallon.

Mono County is the most expensive county to purchase gas. It borders Nevada and contains the tourist attraction Mammoth Mount. The average price of gas is $6.02.

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