Officials From The United States Say Russia Asked China For Military And Economic Aid For Ukraine War

According to U.S. officials, Russia requested China to provide it with military equipment and support for its war against Ukraine. This was after President Vladimir V. Putin launched a full-scale invasion.


According to an official, Russia also requested China economic assistance to counter the damage it has suffered from the broad sanctions imposed on it by the United States, European and Asian countries.

American officials were determined to keep secret the methods they used to collect intelligence on Russia’s requests. They declined to provide further details about the type of military weapons or assistance that Moscow requested. They also refused to discuss China’s response to the requests.

China’s President Xi Jinping has strengthened a partnershipwith Mr. Putin, and has stood with him as Russia intensifies its military campaign in Ukraine. This has resulted in the destruction of cities and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. American officials closely monitor China to determine if it will respond to any Russian requests for assistance. Jake Sullivan, White House national security advisor, will meet Monday in Rome with Yang Jiechi. Yang Jiechi is a member the elite Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party and director of its Central Foreign Affairs Commission.

Mr. Sullivan will warn Mr. Yang regarding any future Chinese attempts to bolster Russia’s war effort or undercut Ukraine, the United States, and their allies.

Russia Asked China For Military And Economic Aid
Image Source: The Seattle Times
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