Menstrual Tampon Vs. Pad Vs. Cup: What is Best for Health (According to Experts)

Menstrual Pads


Menstrual pads are the oldest type of product women use. It started from cotton cloth to pads, gel, and then wings. They are available in all lengths and absorbency levels. So what are some pros and cons of using menstrual pads:



  • They can be helpful during heavy flow days as some pads have good absorbing power.
  • It’s a good choice for nighttime.
  • They are more accessible than other menstrual products.
  • Pads are very easy to handle and convenient to use. As they have been running for ages.


  • You may need to change them frequently after 4 to 6 hours.
  • Pads are not environmentally friendly and produce tons of waste on the earth.
  • Menstrual pads can lead to rashes in intimate areas.
  • They are not swim-friendly. 
  • The menstrual flow discharge can cause an unusual odor while coming in contact with bacteria.
  • They are accident prone as they can displace during sleeping and physical activities.

Menstrual Tampons

Menstrual tampons have been there since the 1930s, and for quite a few years, they were most popular. The reason is the freedom that comes while using them. They are made from cotton, rayon, or a blend of the two with fibers.

The FDA cleared it to use chlorine for bleaching, which is a pollutant. So, FDA-cleared tampons are safe. They come in all absorbency levels and styles. It is directly inserted into the vagina and absorbs all the menstrual flow. Well, let’s have a look at its pros and cons:


  • They are more comfortable than sanitary pads.
  • You can swim using tampons.
  • There’s no visibility and odor.
  • They are compact and easy to carry.


  • Higher risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) as Strep bacteria develop in the vagina is absorbed by the bloodstream. This became a common disease in the 1980s for women. The symptoms are fever, nausea, etc. Tampons don’t lead to this syndrome but increase the risk.
  • Some of the tampons have mild pollutants.
  • There’s no way to know when to change it, as it’s not visible.
  • They may leave residue in the vaginal tract.
  • Women who are switching to tampons may need time to adapt.

Menstrual Cups

So, menstrual cups are gaining popularity lately due to their unique properties. The menstrual cups collect menstrual blood rather than absorb it. It’s also available in all sizes according to flow. One category is use and throw, while the other can be used for ten years. The latter one is made from silicone.


  • It’s the most environmentally friendly choice. You can clean the menstrual cup with hot water and sterilize it. Then, reuse it for up to 5 to 10 years for all your menstrual cycles.
  • There is no visibility, no odor, and it’s swim-friendly.
  • It doesn’t lead to an infection in the vaginal area.


  • The application of menstrual cups may take time. You have to insert it into the vagina and empty it after 6 to 8 hours.
  • Sometimes the process can get messy for beginners.

Final verdict

After assessing all the factors and explaining in brief, everyone is down to menstrual cups. They are eco-friendly and collect menstrual flow. So, it seems like the safest and most thoughtful choice.

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