Apple’s Industrial Design Chief Hankey Will Resign Three Years after Ive

Apple Inc.‘s Head of Hardware Design, Evans Hankey, resigned three years after he was appointed. This leaves a large void at the top of an iPhone manufacturer that is known for its sleek-looking products.


Hankey was appointed to the position in 2019 to succeed Jony Ive who has been the company’s legendary design chief for over two decades. Hankey was Apple’s vice president of industrial design several years before she became her current position. She reported to Chief Operative Officer Jeff Williams.

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This week Hankey, a Cupertino-based technology company, announced her departure. She told colleagues that she would remain at Apple for six months. Hankey is responsible for overseeing several dozen industrial designers. The company has not yet named a replacement.

Apple’s de facto chief of design is her imminent departure. This marks the first time Apple has been without one since Steve Jobs, co-founder and founder, retook control in the late 1990s. Ive appointed Ive to the position. Richard Howarth was a key designer in both Ive and Hankey’s teams. held the position of head of industrial design between 2015 and 2017.

Apple confirmed Friday that Hankey will be stepping down.

Apple’s design team is made up of experts from all over the globe and many disciplines. They create products that are unmistakably Apple,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “The senior design team is led by experienced leaders who have decades of experience. Evans intends to continue as we move through the transition and we thank her for her leadership.

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