Quantum Computing Already Putting Data at Risk, Cyber Pros Agree

According to a new study from Deloitte, more than half of organizations think that future quantum computing advances could endanger their current data sets.

The survey of over 400 cybersecurity professionals revealed that 50.2% of respondents believed their organization was at risk from ‘harvest now, decrypt later attacks. This is where cyber-criminals extract encrypted information in anticipation of when quantum computers will be able to crack existing cryptographic algorithms.

Data at Risk, Cyber Pros

This phenomenon is called ‘Q Day’ and experts believe it will happen in the next 5-10years. This could make all digital information susceptible to attack if quantum secure encryption is not developed.

Joseph Carson, chief security officer and advisory CISO of Delinea explained that quantum computing poses a serious threat to the security industry’s most fundamental building blocks. He said that encryption, which is encrypted with a private key today, will be decrypted with a quantum computer within the next few years.

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