Biden Calls Putin “A War Criminal”, And Pledges New Military Aid For Ukraine

Biden Calls Putin "A War Criminal"
Image Source: NBC News

Biden’s additional assistance has brought the total authorized by him to $2 billion since his election.

Biden did not agree to the actions that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian President, requested earlier Wednesday in remarks to Congress including a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine to deter Russian Bombers that have struck hospitals, schools, residential buildings and other structures as well fighter jets. This is a measure that the U.S. repeatedly rejected.


“I have a pressing need. I must save our skies. I need your decision, your help,” Zelenskyy told Congress. “Being the leader is to lead peace.”

Biden, who viewed Zelenskyy’s speech in his private library, said that he thought Zelenskyy was passionate and powerful. Jen Psaki is the White House, press secretary.

According to her, nothing Zelenskyy requested was surprising to the White House considering the close contacts the administration had with Ukrainian officials. But, the U.S. continues to oppose a no-fly zone in Ukraine.

Psaki stated, “If we were President Zelenskyy, then we would also be asking for everything, and continuing to request it, because he watches his country and his people being attacked and brutalized”

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