Horridus Is One Of The Most Complete Triceratops Fossils On Earth

Triceratops Fossils
Image Source: DW

He said that he believed the carcass was washed into a river channel. It then sank to the bottom and was quickly covered by sand or mud on the riverbed. He also said that it could have died in the water.


It’s rare for paleontologists to be able to decode the sex of a dinosaur specimen. This makes it unclear if this Horridus was a male or female. Fitzgerald stated that unless physicists create a time machine, it is unlikely that humans will be able to answer this question within a century.

He said, “In the meantime, it’s these eternal mysteries that continue to spur paleontologists to discover more about our planet’s past and ignite wonderment in us all.”

How to See Horridus

This month, the Melbourne Museum opened the Triceratops exhibition called “Triceratops – Fate of the Dinosaurs”.
Fitzgerald said that the exhibit is a permanent part of the museum’s collection so there’s no need for visitors to be concerned about it being removed anytime soon. He said that scientists can also conduct scientific research on the dinosaur’s skeleton because it is housed in a museum.

You don’t have to go to Melbourne, but you can view the bones of a 3D model Horridus online.

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