Computing Guru Criticizes ChatGPT AI Technology for Making Things Better

Vint Cerf is one of the founding fathers of the internet. He has harsh words to say about the new hot technology behind the chatbot: “Snake Oil.”

Google’s internet ambassador was not completely negative about ChatGPT or Google’s competing Bard artificial intelligence technology, which is called a large-language model. However, he spoke Monday at Celesta Capital’s TechSurge Summit. He warned about the ethical concerns of a technology that can produce plausible but inaccurate information, even when it is trained on factual material.


An executive might try to convince him to use ChatGPT to solve a business problem. His response would be to refer to it as snake oil. This is a reference to the 1800s quack medicines. ChatGPT also included kitchen appliances.

Cerf stated, “It’s a salad shooter – you know how the lettuce goes everywhere.” “The facts are everywhere and it mixes them all together because it doesn’t know better.”

Cerf won the 2004 Turing Award for his contribution to the development of the internet foundation TCP/IP. This technology allows data to be moved from one computer to another using small, individually addressed packets. These packets can travel on different routes. Although he isn’t an AI researcher, he’s a computer engineer who wants to improve AI’s flaws.

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