Bella Thorne Will Not Autograph Sexy Photos She Takes

Thorne stated that the man presented Thorne with another sexy picture to sign.

It was not what I liked. She said it was inappropriate. “It was inappropriate. It was from a Candie’s campaign I did when I was 16. It was obvious that he wanted me to sign things that were considered sexy or even underage. I was like, Give me another one.’


She replied that the autograph seeker had asked her: “Aren’t all they sexy?”

“No, enough is enough. Thorne stated that she understood the need for money and that everyone has a job. It was only that I was younger than 18 years old, and it was inappropriate.”

Thorne was presented with the Vision Award by Pornhub for her directorial debut in “Her & Him” in 2019. She is a former Disney child star and now says that she would reconsider taking sexy photos as a teenager.

She told THR that she couldn’t waste her time trying to reclaim these moments, or moments when you were too sexy, or thinking that being a woman means only this or that.

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