Minecraft Player Sets Out to Build the Known Universe Block By Block

Christopher Slayton spent 2 months looking for black holes, identifying colors in Saturn’s rings, and looking out at his planet from space.

18-year-old Mr. Slayton didn’t even have to get up from his desk. He began to build the entire universe block by block in Minecraft, a game that allows users to create and explore new worlds.

Known Universe, Block by Block

He felt like he had traveled all around the universe by the end.

He said, “Everyone is freaked out about the power of the universe and its expansiveness. I never got that much.” It took me a month, 15 days to make it and two additional weeks to create a YouTube video showcasing it. I was amazed at how beautiful it is.

ChrisDaCow, also known as ChrisSlayton on his Minecraft-focused YouTube and Reddit, Twitter and Instagram accounts, said that he has been playing the game for almost a decade and is not a user of any other games. In 2019, he began posting videos of his “builds,” which he created in the game, to YouTube. Since he graduated from high school in the spring of this year, this channel has been his primary focus.

Although college may be on his radar for the future, Mr. Slayton stated that it is not yet time. He will soon be working as a lifeguard and will continue to expand his YouTube channel to reach more people.

According to Mr. Slayton, the nearly 25,000 YouTube subscribers to his video inspired him to pursue ambitious ideas.

He stated that he wants to make videos more engaging than just narrations and videos of gamers using the interface. Mr. Slayton lives in San Diego, California with his brother, stepfather, and mother. He said that he hopes to tell stories using Minecraft.

He skydived to get a new perspective on the planet before he began to build his universe. He said that jumping out of an aircraft is the only way to appreciate the beauty of the planet.

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