Fiona from the Cincinnati Zoo will become a big sibling this summer

Fiona from the Cincinnati Zoo will become a big sibling this summer
Photo by: John Minchillo/AP

According to the zoo, Tucker (18 years old) arrived at the zoo in September 2021.

He immediately fell in love with Bibi (23 years). The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Species Survival Plan Program (SSP), which is responsible for managing the health and diversity of the hippo population at North American zoos, recommended that the pair be bred.


Christina Gorsuch, Cincinnati Zoo’s director for animal care, stated that although we didn’t plan to have a baby so soon, nature made away and ignored us. “Most contraception methods, whether in humans or hippos, are not reliable. This time, the dose that was effective previously for Bibi didn’t prevent her from becoming pregnant.

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