Are you an Avid Gamer? You Must Read About Post-Game Depression!

What is Post-game Depression?


Post-game depression (PGD) occurs when you have sad or depressing symptoms after completing a game. You may feel unhappy or as if you have lost the purpose of life. Note that sadness after a game isn’t abnormal. You may feel bad for a day or two and eventually get past it!


However, this becomes a red flag when it lingers for more than a week. Usually, you are likely to suffer from post-game depression when you have been too devoted to the game.

Who is Susceptible to Post-game Depression?

Post-game depression is common among gamers who aren’t used to playing for long hours. When such individuals play any game consistently in lesser time, they may eventually get PGD. For example, say you got addicted to Grand Theft Auto recently and completed levels much earlier than you were supposed to.

So, in such scenarios, PGD may occur. It may also occur after completing a game with difficult levels or after playing horribly.  

Keep note that gamers who are habituated to playing games (on an expert level) aren’t that vulnerable to PGD. That’s because after completing the game, they move on to some other tasks. In fact, they might even switch to a different game and forget about the last one.

So, they are less likely (but not entirely free) to develop such conditions!

Why Does Post-game Depression Occur?

Games create the perfect ambiance to attract players. Be it the interesting storyline, outstanding graphics, or cool music, the combination of all these factors may influence the gamers. They may form a parasocial connection (developing affection with the media persona) with the game. Once the game ends, this connection may lead to post-game depression.   

How to Overcome Post-game Depression?

It’s common to face PGD after a game, and there are ways to overcome it! Here are quick tricks you can try: 

Try Related Activities

Once you are done with the game, try to indulge in a related activity. Say, if the game is based on a movie or series, watch the same. You can also check out YouTube streaming videos or follow the influencers who play the game. Likewise, you can check out fan theories, books, or facts about it too. 

Join Fan Groups

Other than that, you can also join fan groups or communities to share your feelings. Like you, there are numerous other gamers who must be feeling the same. Talk it out and discuss your emotions with them.  

Switch to a Different Game

The best way to prevent PGD is by switching to another game as soon as you finish the earlier one. By doing so, you won’t get time to think about the old game, and your mind will instantly divert towards the new game.

Although it’s quite effective, some people may not get the same vibes from the new game. Those individuals can try the alternative tricks as given above. 

Post-game depression is common among avid gamers. However, make sure to seek counsellors help if you suffer from severe symptoms of post-game depression.  

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