Antarctica’s Most Famous Floating Shipwreck, The Endurance, Discovered After 106 Years

Antarctica's Most Famous Shipwreck
Image Source: uGGcozy

One of Antarctica’s most famous survival stories was the ship’s sinking. Endurance was trapped in the ice by February 1915. She survived the winter months until she was eventually consumed by the ice on November 21st. Shackleton and his 27-man crew were trapped on drifting sea ice at that point. They set up makeshift camps because the ice under their feet was often cracked and threatened to drown them.


After reaching Elephant Island off the Antarctic Peninsula’s coast, the crew was able to make it to South Georgia. Shackleton and five other crew members set out for South Georgia. They made the 800-mile journey and managed to reach a whaling station located on the island to help the men who were left behind. Shackleton’s leadership, and the fact that there was no loss in life — only the loss of one great ship, are the highlights of the story.

She is now found.

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