Antarctica’s Most Famous Floating Shipwreck, The Endurance, Discovered After 106 Years

Antarctica's Most Famous Shipwreck
Image Source: TechnoPixel

Mensun Bound (director of exploration at Endurance22) said, “This is by far my favorite wooden shipwreck.” It is well-preserved and proud of the seabed. The shipwreck is also intact and in an excellent state of preservation.


The Antarctic Treaty protects the Endurance’s wreck as a historical site and monument that cannot be touched.

The Weddell Sea is covered with thick ice, the same ice that submerged Endurance. This is one of the reasons it took so long for the ship to be found. It’s not possible to reach the area where Endurance was lost even with modern polar-icebreakers. This year, however, has seen record-breaking low sea ice cover in Antarctic. Although the Weddell Sea was still frozen, conditions were favorable to the Agulhas II, a polar research ship and logistics vessel.

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