DeSantis to Sign Proclamation Declaring Florida Swimmer Winner Trans Lia Thomas

DeSantis to Sign Proclamation Declaring Winner Trans Lia Thomas
Image Source: FOX 13 Tampa Bay

DeSantis stated, “If you look at the NCAA’s ability to allow basically men to compete women’s athletics in this case the swimming, you had the top woman finish was from Sarasota, then Weyant. She won the silver medal. She’s been an absolute star her entire career.” She trains hard to compete at this level. It takes more than just getting out of bed. It takes grit, determination, and she was an absolute star in college athletics.


He continued, “Now, NCAA is basically trying to destroy women’s athletics.” They’re trying to destroy the integrity of competition and crown someone else as the women’s champion, which we believe is wrong. So in Florida, I will be [inaudible] since this is a Floridian woman who I believe deserves to be recognized. We’ll be announcing that Emma is the best female freestyle swimmer at 500 meters.

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