Wake Up! We’re Losing 36 Million Trees a Year!

Let’s dig deeper into the problem:

There are about 228 billion trees in the USA. If we lose 15 billion trees every year, the country will become treeless in 15-16 years.

If this continues, the world will become warmer, more polluted, and unhealthier for human beings. So, it’s a wake-up call!


Now, imagine life without trees! No, there is no life without trees.

Trees do more than just providing us oxygen to breathe in.

Heat Reduction: Trees provide shades that help cool surface temperatures. Walk in the shade of a tree in scorching summer. You can’t get that from grass.

Reduce Air Pollution: Trees absorb carbon dioxide and eliminate pollutants from the air.

Flood Reduction: Trees absorb water and reduce runoff into streams, thus preventing floods.

Noise Reduction: Did you know trees can deflect sound? Trees can also add sound through wind blowing and birds chirping.

Improved Water Quality: Trees are the earth’s water filter. They consume dirty surface water and absorb phosphorus and nitrogen into the soil.

Protect from UV Rays: Trees absorb 96% of UV rays that can cause many skin-related health conditions.

Wildlife Habitat: Birds are a critical part of our ecosystem, and they rely on trees for food and shelter.

Though all of these are critical, oxygen is the first thing we need to survive. And, that’s enough reason why we need more trees.

How can you contribute?

Though the U.S. Forest Service will do its part, climate change is a global issue that needs individuals’ attention and effort.

Plant one tree every day or two trees every week. Encourage and inspire everyone around you to do this.

To fight climate change, the USA needs to add 30 billion trees by 2040. If everyone develops a habit of planting trees, we can quickly achieve the country’s goal.

Remember that planting trees is not expensive. It just needs determination and inspiration. So, plant more and more trees for you, your family, and your future generation.

Protect what you have. Avoid cutting trees. Take care of trees on and around your property. If you observe something wrong with trees in your yard or community, get that fixed right away. 


Don’t cut down old trees. Old and aged trees are assets to our world. So, don’t cut them out saying, “we’ll replant.” The new, small tree may not be able to make it and take a significantly long time to grow.

Let’s make the earth the greenest place to live!

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