Russia-Ukraine War Could Last 10-20 Years! This is What Britain Believes

So, Britain believes the war can go on for the coming ten years. So, dive in to know all the news. 

The Present Situation


On the seventh day of the invasion, a 40 mile long Russian military convoy stood 20 miles north of Kyiv. Also, the cities like Kharkiv, Kherson and Mariupol are captured. In addition, there were bombings in the civilian areas. 


The aftermath footage of the missile strike at Kyiv’s central tv tower was horrible. As reported by Washington Posts, there were all blown out cars, dead bodies, and loss of infrastructure.

So, with the pace, the war is accelerating and the world leaders are worried about its direction and results. 

What is the Statement of Britain

So, most western analysts and professionals believe that Russia has made a strong move and will break Ukraine’s defense in no time,  Politico’s Alex Ward writes. A U.S. official tells CBS News that Russia could tactically seize Kyiv and Ukraine in four to six weeks.

Despite all these assumptions and history, the war doesn’t seem to end so quickly. The CBS News reports state that the resistance and long history of pushing Russia are commendable. So looking at all the facts, it will be a long war.

So, the United Kingdom foreign secretary said that it would be a ten-year-long war. Lawmakers at the Capitol said on Monday that it is likely to last 10, 15, or 20 years — and that ultimately, Russia will lose. All this inference of the U.K. comes from Ukraine’s not giving up so easily. So, eventually, Russia will back down.

What are the Other Reports?

A former National Security Council staff member cautioned that European countries and the U.S. should be prepared for war. The war can last up to eight to ten years. It’s an economically disruptive conflict in Ukraine that will last for eight to ten years. 

Ex CIA Afghanistan operations chief Michael Vickers described to the CSIS audience that this issue was more significant than the Afghan war in the 1980s. And if the U.S. sticks with Ukraine, it can help the nation hurt Russia more. As a result, this can stop the fight. 

The former U.S. Ukraine Ambassador John Herbst said that Ukraine is not simply going to say goodnight. They will fight till their last breath and show hell to Russia. He claimed that Ukraine is no less, and this war will continue, and Ukraine will not lose at anyone’s mercy.

Final Thoughts

So, the question is will Putin settle and come to terms? How long can Ukraine hold the defence? And how long will the war continue? The world is affected and trying its best to stop the barbarian twist the matter has taken.

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