Amber heard Aquaman 2 scenes removal confirmed
In the wake of her loss against Johnny Depp, Warner bros producer Juliet Lauren Fischer confirmed via Instagram “ Amber heard scenes in Aquaman 2 will be completely deleted” from the film leaving no trace of Amber Heard.
The news comes following Amber Heard loss against Johnny Depp in the viral defamation case that has taken the world by storm. The petition for the removal of Amber Heard has reached 4.5 million signatures and is growing. Now the fans say it’s time to make it right and have issued a new petition wanting the invitation by Disney to be extended to Johnny to return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise as Jack Sparrow.
Lisa Navarro whom owns and operates a news satire account @Fandom on insta and @Trending on truth social is the creator of the petition and states “ We don’t know if he would accept due to the alpaca statement, but we are hopeful he will do it for his fans once he sees how many signatures we get, it’s the least Disney can do to make it right” The Petition can be found on Change.Org